Picture of the band Well Dressed Wolves performing live

By Andrea Ramey
Across The Street

‘As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them’ ~ John F. Kennedy

And turkey day is upon us, so happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Though quite frankly, I think gratitude should be a daily way to be for every single one of us, and not just relegated to one special day per year. So let the gratitude flow freely, every day, in every situation, no matter what. Because no matter how bad you think you have it, there’s always, always, always, one person having it even worse than you. So remember not to whine about the things you don’t have, or begrudge someone else what you think you should have, but be grateful for being alive. Because the alternative leaves you with nothing at all. And also, I am grateful for each and every one of you! So there.

Last weekend presented once again with an abundance of live musical performances of all genres all over town. Because I had to work most of the weekend, I made the decision to go to the Birdcage Saloon and shake my ass(ets) to the music of one my favorite bands, the Well Dressed Wolves. There’s absolutely nothing I can tell you about these guys that I haven’t already told you at least once before … they are phenomenal, and I will go see them every chance I get.

I do want to put out a huge thank you to all the bartenders and servers up and down Whiskey Row and everywhere else. These guys and gals show up, always ready to mix up some magic for all kinds of folks, including some of you who seem to not necessarily increase your goodwill in proportion to your alcohol intake. I implore you to tip them, and tip them well. Particularly if you belong to that aforementioned group of people who truly make it hard on the bartenders/servers for no other reason than you not really getting along that well with alcohol. Remember, in a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Also, tipping the bands is highly recommended. When you sit there, being entertained while you imbibe far too many pitchers of beer, you should want to ascertain the band knows about your appreciation. They spend a lot of time schlepping their gear to the venue, setting up, sound checking … all so you can have a great time. Give them a thank you by dropping a bill into the tip jar! All in all, it’s really just about being a nice human being, respecting others, being kind beyond just the basics, and to realize that we’re all in this together.

Now let’s get on with this weekend’s shenanigans. The Windsock Lounge will feature Wheelhouse on Friday night (7 – 11), Sky Daddy & The Pop Rocks on Saturday night (7 – 11), and a blues jam on Sunday from 2 – 6. Great opportunities to dance off that turkey dinner! Jersey Lilly’s hosts Little Larry & The Drive on both nights from 8 – 12, and Little Larry Solo on Sunday from 4 – 7. More opportunities! At the Birdcage Saloon you can catch the CheekTones both nights from 7 – 11, and the Well Dressed Wolves on Sunday from 3 – 7. A hop, skip, and a jump across the alley, and you can see the Aragon Bros at the Back Alley Wine Bar Friday night from 6:30 – 9:30, Isometric on Saturday night (same time), and Sunday Funday with Doug Ping and The Back Alley Cats from 3 – 6. The Whiskey River Tavern hosts the Groove Dawgs on Friday night from 7 – 10, Llory McDonald on Saturday night from 7 – 10, and Justin & Autumn Hitson on Sunday from 2 – 6. For all you country fans, Matt’s Saloon features the Josh Roy Band both nights from 8:30 – 1, while the Point will host Shaw Squared on Saturday night from 8 – 11. Last, but not least, the Raven Café will have you dancing to the Dennis Herrera Blues Band on Friday (7 – 10), and the Cosmic Gumbo Quartet on Saturday (7 – 10). So much music, so many venues, so much to be grateful for.

I hope to hear about some of your exploits … shoot me a note at PrescottHotSpot@gmail.com. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving, be good to yourselves and others, and dance up a storm after the feasts. Ciao for now!

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