“The standout for me, was that every one was so beautifully and kindly behaved. The event really carried the theme of family friendly, and community,” said Candace Devine, creator of the Pure Imagination Festival and Further West Productions.
In its second annual presentation on May 20, Devine and Further West Productions, a female led production company, set the standard for outdoor festivals in Northern Arizona and beyond.
“I loved the entire event and the curated line-up that included headliners such as Los Lobos, Lucinda Williams and, of course, Ziggy Marley, but everyone was just as impressed with the local talent that took the stage. Johan Glidden and Rachael Plays Guitar, two local acts along with Ponderosa Grove that have an established fan base that is only getting wider,” Candace added.
In addition to the musical line up, the festival included a “Tiny Tunes Schedule” with a Puppet Theater, Kazoo Building, Kids Talent Show and Parade.
As if staging the largest festival in the area is not daunting enough, Candace’s team, vendors, food trucks, caterers, set up team and artists were treated to a rare May thunderstorm the night prior, and another brief one the morning of the event. Making it even more impressive that the show went on under blue skies at Watson Lake without a hitch.
“We had a goal and a commitment to making this a family friendly event with an eclectic and diverse musical line up that included something for everyone, and also to keeping it eco-friendly.”
To achieve that goal, more than 100 volunteers were on hand prior, during and after the event to make sure that the area was maintained, recycling bins were utilized and eco-friendly products were being used. However, as with any party, ya gotta do the fail swoop afterward.
“We had a great collaboration with Keep Nature Wild, an Arizona-based outdoor leisure retailer, who is committed to conservation efforts.”
The company boasts core values that include Giving Back, Do What You Love, Be Inclusive, and Radiating Positivity. With every apparel product sold, the company pledges to pick up one pound of trash. This is accomplished through the hosting of nationwide community cleanups and neighborhood, trail and event conservation efforts.
With close to 7,000 participants, none of this was a small task. “We had Waste Management with special bins and all items were sorted post-event to have the greatest impact,” Candace added. “We also required that all vendors and food service was provided on compostable materials with no single use plastic, etc.”
Surplus food from the VIP tent was donated to local charities and nonprofits, so the effects of a successful event impacted the community in a positive way beyond the festival grounds.
With a line-up that included 12 acts with Dirt Wire, Nappy Roots, and Capital Cities, on two stages from 11-11, how do you top that?
“The plan is a two-day festival for 2024,” Candace said — of course.
Tentatively scheduled for May 17 and 18, 2024, the planning began as soon as the team was able to catch their breath. For photos of the event check out Pure Imagination Festival on Facebook and Instagram.
Ponderosa Grove
Not one to lay low for long, Candace and her bandmates from Ponderosa Grove have a few upcoming gigs, and a new album in the works.
“For the album, we’re working on a bunch of new songs, and hoping for a fall release.”
Candace’s commitment to community, the music scene in Prescott, and beyond is nothing new to her. As a life-long performer, she has a vision of Prescott becoming a music destination, and wants everyone to go along for the ride. And have a good time doing it.
Until May 2024, and round three of the Pure Imagination Festival, you can catch Ponderosa Grove, which includes Prescott locals Drew Hall, Joshua Taylor, Cosimo Bohrman, Zach Dominguez, and Phoenician Gigi Gonaway at the following shows:
The Orpheum in Flagstaff on June 2, and downtown Prescott at the Elks Performing Arts Center, Sept. 29.
For more, visit Pure Imagination Festival at https://www.instagram.com/pureimaginationfestival/. To get involved or for information on Keep Nature Wild. visit www.keepnaturewild.com.
Barry Barbe owns the El Gato Azul and Torme restaurants in Prescott, and is the energy and insight behind the Prescott Palette. His radio show, the Prescott Palette, is on KQNA 1130 AM, Saturdays at noon. Email: Prespalette@gmail.com.