Chad Watson and his wife, Pam Loe, will be performing with the Swamp Poets Duo (Christian Michael Berry and Taul Paul Epoch) at the “Make A Buncha Racket,” open blues jam from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 26, at The Attic, 218 S. Montezuma St., Prescott.

Loe plays guitar and sings and Watson plays bass, trombone, guitar and mandolin. Watson and Loe spoke with Across the Street ahead of the upcoming performance. The following interview was edited for length and clarity.

What can people

expect from this


Watson: It’s a blues jam and by blues, I think, it’s just a great combination of American roots music. We go back to the early ’90s when Christian and I split a bill together. So, it was sure fun hooking back up with him during the pandemic to put horns on his latest album.

He’s been having us join his band, The Swamp Poets, about every time we come out to Phoenix. So we either play in Phoenix or up in Prescott with him or combinations of friends, and we play his blues jam and he’s had us do our country thing. Like I said, it’s just been a great combination of Americana, whether it’s country or they get pretty funky too, which is fun.

I worked my way through school playing in a variety of bands. Pam and I love it all. We tell folks we like to go from Jones to Stones.

What do you like

most about playing together?

Loe: We always enjoyed each other from day one. I was married when we met, but the three of us had such a good life together and the friendship was just delightful. Lots of laughs, and my ex-husband and Chad are still friends to this day, although he lives in Nashville now.

One day, after I’d been single for a while, I looked over and thought, “He’s so cute.” We just celebrated 20 years of marriage, Valentine’s Day, and there is such a joy. There’s a sexual energy and a sensual joy and we have such a good time on stage. The feedback we get is, “The two of you are such a joy to watch.” They’ll say, “You are country’s favorite couple,” and it’s just such a joy and an honor to be recognized like that.

We’ve never written a song together but we’re both songwriters and for some reason it doesn’t go smoothly. We’re both very strong personalities, so we put that on the back burner. But we know that someday we will, but we always complement each other’s song. So, I’ll sing Chad’s songs — I’ve been singing Chad’s songs for so long that I call them my own — and he’ll help me produce my songs. We just enjoy each other’s music and songwriting and it feels like we’ve written them together.

For more information about Chad Watson and Pam Loe, including music lessons, visit

Jesse Bertel is a reporter/videographer for the Prescott News Network. Follow him on Twitter @ JesseBertel, email him at, or call 928-445-3333, ext. 2043.

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